“The genesis of our story is like many people’s, which was the start of the pandemic.” Rebecca and Scott Ramsey were located in Colorado where they were experiencing food shortages in the midst of the pandemic. When they started to see the grocery store shelves become empty with two children at home, it made them […]
Summit Five March 23, 2023 9:00AM–1:00PM EST Day Six Recording: https://youtu.be/fi5W6vPUm6Q Slides: CAN Summit 6 Slides Links & Additional Resources: USDA RFSP Application Page: https://www.ams.usda.gov/services/grants/rfsp/apply USDA RFSP March 29th Webinar: https://www.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_LJgr-SU9QTKl8cnxa8qM4A Osteopathic Heritage Foundtions website: https://osteopathicheritage.org/ Recommendations for the Farm Bill: https://action.oeffa.com/farm-bill/ Invest Appalachia Fund: https://mailchi.mp/e82dbc628291/19m-for-invest-appalachia?e=0c7badede0 Speakers We are proud to welcome a litany of […]
Summit Five January 26, 2023 9:00AM–1:00PM EST Day Five Recording: https://youtu.be/l3Dsd63S6AA Slides: CAN Summit 5 Slides Links & Additional Resources: “Food as Medicine: Current Efforts and Potential Opportunities” testimony before the United States Senate Subcommittee on Food and Nutrition, Specialty Crops, Organics, and Research: https://www.agriculture.senate.gov/hearings/food-as-medicine-current-efforts-and-potential-opportunities Appalachian Harvest Food Hub: https://www.asdevelop.org/programs-resources/food-hub/ Appalachian Harvest Herb Hub: https://www.asdevelop.org/programs-resources/herbhub/ […]
On October 29th CAN hosted its first Equity webinar. It focused on concrete ways to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion practices within the operational aspects of your organization. During the webinar we discussed: Why focusing within your organization is a good place to start incorporating equity into your work. Concrete examples of how to increase […]
Last month the Food & Ag System Working Group hosted a learning call to share information on the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP). The REAP program aids farmers in financing renewable energy sources or making energy efficiency improvements. Colleagues from our Clean Energy Working Group joined the call to share their expertise on the […]
The future of clean energy in Appalachia depends in large part on collective buy-in from diverse parties – from state regulators and local community members, to utilities and workforce development networks. Advocates are in need of a common language and message that resonates across the board and unifies these vested interests behind clean energy. To that end, CAN’s Clean Energy Practitioner Network commissioned the Tennessee Advanced Energy Business Council (TNAEBC) to develop a best-practices guide to clean energy advocacy.
Over the months leading up to this past winter, I was given the opportunity to work with CAN and their many partner organizations across the Appalachian region to highlight the work they are doing to improve healthy food access in their communities. I captured these initiatives through a number of short videos, each highlighting a different project described in recently completed case studies conducted and published by CAN and the Appalachian Funders Network.